Did you know that a multi-modal approach to treating mental health can be really helpful? Trying different modes of therapy - such as individual and group - can be an effective way to increase treatment outcomes.

Did you also know that group therapy comes under a separate referral? This means that if you are eligible for a Medicare rebate then you can access Medicare rebates for group therapy in addition to your individual mental health care plan. That’s right, you get an extra 10 sessions per calendar year for group therapy rebates if you are eligible. So you can attend group therapy without it taking away from your individual sessions.

Our Melbourne psychologists here at MWG offer several Group Therapy programs for people with OCD and Body Focussed Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs). These programs are being run as an adjunct to individual therapy. Group Therapy can be a powerful way to connect with others going through similar circumstances as the journey of dealing with OCD and/or BFRBs can be isolating.

OCD Teens Group Therapy


Living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is challenging. Those affected may experience distress, fear, disabling exhaustion, and loneliness. Group therapy is an effective way for teens living with OCD to experience additional therapeutic support, alongside peers. 

Treating OCD: Breaking the Rules and Messing Things Up is a group therapy program empowering young people to loosen OCD’s grip and help them to embrace life’s messiness.

To download the information pack, please click the link here. Alternately, you can access our webinar for parents here.

We are currently taking referrals for 2024. To be placed on the waitlist or to register please call us on (03) 9882-8874.



Dealing with OCD is exhausting and the more we give to OCD the smaller our world gets. This 6-week ERP-based group therapy program is for adults (18 years plus) with OCD.

It is a program designed for you to learn how to expand your world again and learn ways to cope with the mess of life, emotions, and anything else that OCD uses to stay in control.

We are currently taking referrals for this program. Please call our team on (03) 9882-8874 to express interest. To download an information pack about this group please click here.




Our teen OCD support group runs on the first Thursday of each month.

Our group is designed to be an extension of our Breaking the Rules teen therapy group program and the individual therapy that we provide to our clients. It is a 60-minute, casual, reflective space for teens to come to to meet other teens, chat about issues they are facing, check in with ERP, and explore a 'theme of the week' that relates to OCD. The group is an open group which means the number of participants will vary from month to month.

Referral criteria:

  1. Ages 13-18 years.

  2. Are engaged in, or have been engaged in treatment using ERP for OCD (individual or group, here at MWG or with an external provider)

  3. Would benefit from meeting other teens going through similar difficulties

  4. Would benefit from a casual reflective space to help them check in, and support their treatment goals.

For more information on the program download the information pack here.

We are currently taking referrals for the monthly sessions running in 2024. To be placed on the waitlist or to register for the group please call us on (03) 9882-8874.



Our adult OCD support group runs on the last Thursday of each month. This support group is designed to be an extension of the adult ERP based 6-week treatment program and the individual therapy that we provide to our clients. It is a 60-minute, casual, reflective space for adults to come to and meet other people who are experiencing similar things, chat about issues they are facing, check in with ERP, and explore a 'theme of the week' that relates to OCD.

The group is an open group which means the number of participants will vary from month to month.

Referral criteria:

  1. Ages 18+ years.

  2. Are engaged in, or have been engaged in treatment using ERP for OCD (individual or group, here at MWG or with an external provider)

  3. Would benefit from meeting other people going through similar difficulties

  4. Would benefit from a casual reflective space to help them check in, and support their treatment goals.

We are currently taking referrals for the monthly sessions running in 2024. To be placed on the waitlist or to register for the group please call us on (03) 9882-8874.


Managing your BFRB is our 6-week group treatment program for adults (18 years plus) who experience symptoms of Body Focused Repetitive Behaviours (BFRBs). BFRBs are a group of behaviours that are performed in response to strong urges. They often involve behaviours like hair pulling (trichotillomania), skin picking (excoriation), nail picking and biting, lip and cheek biting, etc. These behaviours can be performed when stressed or anxious. They can also be performed because it feels good, or because there’s a need to even out the look or to make it feel right, or because of boredom.

The tricky thing with BFRBs is that the behaviour that looks compulsive is not tied to thoughts and obsessions as it is with OCD. This means that BFRBs are easy to hide. It brings up feelings of shame, loneliness, hopelessness, and helplessness. The power of sharing these feelings in a group setting can lead to an increase in confidence and motivation to work towards achieving desired goals of reducing BFRBs.

To download the information pack, please click the link here.

We are currently taking referrals for the next BFRB group. To be placed on the waitlist or to register for the group please call us on (03) 9882-8874.