My kids won’t cooperate, what do I do?

My kids won’t cooperate, what do I do?

We’ve all been there. The day has been busy, dinner is half cooked, WhatsApp is pinging with notifications, there are work emails waiting to be attended to and we ask our kids to set the table. Our wish? For our kids to say “sure, I’d love to help, I’ll do it straight away”. But what often happens? “Why?” “It’s not fair”, “why do I have to do it”.  How frustrating it can feel when our requests are met with resistance! So, what do we do next? Do we yell? Do we take the iPad away? Do we lecture them on the importance of gratitude? Well, there are several paths we parents can take, but I believe that one of the most important is a focus on the establishment of connection. Why? Well, let’s explore.

How to Play with a Newborn Baby

How to Play with a Newborn Baby

Early childhood interactions are an integral part in ensuring little ones start to reach their developmental milestones if all else is also developing in a typical fashion. Playing with your newborn is not only a delightful experience but also a crucial aspect of their development. Newborns may seem too young to engage in play as we typically understand it, but they are remarkably receptive to sensory experiences and social interactions. Here's a guide on how to effectively and lovingly play with your newborn, fostering their growth and strengthening your bond.

Why do some people struggle to apologise and take accountability?

Why do some people struggle to apologise and take accountability?

Apologising and taking accountability are fundamental aspects of maintaining healthy relationships and fostering personal growth. However, many people find these actions challenging, often resisting them despite clear evidence of their importance. There are several reasons why it’s hard for people to apologise and a lot of the time it’s usually something they’re struggling with. Understanding these reasons can shed light on why people hesitate to apologise and take accountability. This in turn can be help digest the fact that someone who needs to take accountability for something won’t do so. Read on to understand more and learn ways to overcome these barriers.

Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent's Guide

Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent's Guide

In today’s digital age, the internet is an integral part of our lives, offering endless resources, entertainment, and social interaction. However, with these benefits come risks, especially for children who may not fully grasp the potential dangers lurking online. As parents, it’s essential to equip our kids with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the internet safely. Here are some strategies to help your children stay safe online.