Early Intervention Important for Eating Disorders

Some of you might have caught this on ABC radio the other day, (http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/eating-disorders-aren't-just-for-girls/7357094?section=health ).

It is a discussion regarding Eating Disorders, with a particular focus on Anorexia Nervosa, by Dr Paul Denborough (Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and the Head of Child and Adolescent Services at Alfred Health), and Belinda Caldwell (Carer Consultant at the Centre for Excellence of Eating Disorders (CEED), Victoria).

The guest presenters discuss the need for better access to early intervention and treatment of eating disorders, particularly given the potential associated risks for severe and entrenched eating disorders.  To support parents in overcoming some of the barriers faced when seeking help for young people with potential eating disorders, CEED have developed an online assessment tool to assist parents to assess whether their young person is at risk of developing an eating disorder, to provide self-help strategies and possible avenues to seek appropriate support. Results from the questionnaire can be printed out and used when seeking referrals for specialised care.  This seems like a fantastic way to empower parents to access help for their young person!  The questionnaire can be found at http://feedyourinstinct.com.au.

If you are experiencing an eating disorder, or if you believe a loved one may be you can find some helpful resources at the ‘Eating Disorder Victoria’ and ‘National Eating Disorders Collaboration’ websites: http://www.eatingdisorders.org.au/eating-disorder-fact-sheets


If you would like more assistance with an Eating Disorder, you can contact the team at Melbourne Wellbeing Group on 9882-8874.

- Dr SarahEgan.