A Team Not Over-Worked is a Team at Its Best

There is no doubt that individuals who are not over-worked function better. However, in a society where it feels like we are always on the go and the workplace is a big part of life, it can be hard at times to take a step back and relax. As an employer, it’s important to remember that your employees, your team, are what drive the business as well. 

Have you ever had one of those weeks that feels like it’s never ending? or felt like you can’t just relax after a works day? or even felt flu-like symptoms coming on - and you’re thinking who in the office got you sick?! Most people have been there … and this can be blamed on burnout. The thing is, most people won’t recognise this happening until it happens. Now, let’s think about this in a work environment while working in a team - imagine everyone is feeling this way… the team dynamic will begin to suffer.

Burnout is very real and quite common in today’s day and age. It’s the feeling of constant stress, physical and emotional fatigue, detachment, insomnia, lack of focus, and negative feelings like anger or cynicism. Of course, a burnt-out or an overworked employee’s job performance will suffer, personality will alter, and they will be too tired to function. Creating an environment that prevents burnout is ideal for engagement and performance.

We have compiled 4 easy ways to prevent burnout from occurring:

1.  Sleep Hygiene:When a person doesn’t sleep enough, their brain doesn’t function at its best. Getting between 7 to 9 hours sleep a night can help improve brain functioning in terms of concentration, judgment and mood.

2.  Exercise: Regular exercise is crucial for mental and physical health – it reduces stress levels, improves self-confidence, prevents cognitive decline and improves memory. Also, just getting up and moving rather than sitting at a desk all day can prevent the physical and emotional exhaustion experienced in burnout.

3.  Socialise: Spending time with people outside of the work environment provides a person with much needed emotional fulfillment.

4.  Start saying no: If you feel tired, it’s important to say no. This can ensure you stay engaged, excited and energetic about work.

If you, a loved one, or an employee are feeling burnout and you would like some support and techniques to help, then give us a call to make an appointment with one of our team of Psychologists