How to Get Motivated for ERP

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the recommended treatment for OCD. If you or a loved one has ever had to go through ERP you will know that it is really challenging to stay motivated and engaged. Some days, OCD just kicks your butt, while other days you are killing it. So what do we do when the days are long, had, and challenging?

Despite its proven success, many individuals find it challenging to start or sustain motivation for ERP. This is understandable, as ERP involves confronting distressing thoughts and situations head-on. However, understanding the underlying principles and benefits of ERP can help people find the motivation to stay motivated. 

Understanding ERP

ERP involves two primary components:

  1. Exposure: Gradually facing fears or obsessions in a controlled and systematic way.

  2. Response Prevention: Resisting the urge to engage in compulsive behaviours that typically follow exposure.

The goal of ERP is to help people learn that they can tolerate the anxiety and distress associated with their obsessions without resorting to compulsive behaviours. Over time, this reduces the intensity of the anxiety and the frequency of compulsive behaviours, and in turn it reduces the frequency and intensity of intrusive thoughts. 

Why Motivation is Crucial

Motivation is a key factor in the success of ERP. The therapy requires consistent and deliberate effort, often in the face of significant discomfort. Without sufficient motivation, it can be tempting to avoid exposures or revert to compulsive behaviours. Here are some strategies to help boost and maintain motivation throughout the ERP process.

  1. Educate Yourself: Understanding the rationale behind ERP can demystify the process and highlight its benefits. Knowing that ERP is backed by extensive research and is considered the gold standard in OCD treatment can reinforce your commitment to the therapy.

  2. Set Clear Goals: Work with your therapist to establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Clear goals provide a roadmap for your therapy and a sense of direction, making it easier to track progress and stay motivated.

  3. Acknowledge Progress: Celebrate your victories along the way! ERP can be a gradual process, and recognising incremental progress can boost your confidence and motivation. Keeping a journal to document your experiences and achievements can provide tangible evidence of your improvement.

  4. Build a Support System: Engage family members, friends, or support groups in your journey. Having a support system can provide encouragement, hold you accountable, and offer empathy during challenging times.

  5. Focus on Long-Term Benefits: ERP is not just about reducing symptoms in the short term; it’s about regaining control over your life and improving overall well-being. Visualising a future where OCD no longer dictates your actions can be a powerful motivator.

  6. Develop Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself throughout the process. ERP can be difficult, and it’s important to recognise that setbacks are a natural part of any therapeutic journey. Practicing self-compassion can help maintain motivation by reducing self-criticism and fostering resilience.

  7. Utilise Professional Guidance: Your therapist is a crucial resource in your ERP journey. Regular sessions provide structure, professional insights, and modifications to your treatment plan as needed. Trusting the therapeutic process and maintaining open communication with your therapist can enhance your commitment to ERP.

  8. Incorporate Mindfulness Techniques: Techniques such as mindfulness awareness can help manage anxiety and enhance your ability to engage in exposures. These practices can create a mental state conducive to tackling ERP challenges.

  9. Connect with your Values: Have a think about what it is that’s important to you? What matters to you and how do you want to show up in life? Thinking about your values can help you be motivated to fight back against OCD and choose the path that is aligned with who you are as a person as opposed to what OCD wants can be extremely liberating.

Engaging in ERP therapy requires courage, persistence, and motivation. By educating yourself, setting clear goals, acknowledging progress, building a support system, focusing on long-term benefits, developing self-compassion, utilising professional guidance, incorporating mindfulness techniques, and following your values, you can enhance your motivation and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Remember, the journey through ERP is not a sprint but a marathon. Each step, no matter how small, is a move toward reclaiming your life from OCD. If you’re struggling with motivation, don’t hesitate to discuss this with your therapist—they can provide additional strategies tailored to your unique needs and circumstances. 

For further support our highly trained psychologists can help. Please call our team on 9882-8874 to book in with one of our team members today. Alternatively fill in our contact form here to get in touch. 

To subscribe and listen to our podcast “Breaking the Rules: A Clinician’s Guide to Treating OCD”, click on the following links: Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes will be released fortnightly and will simultaneously be published on our webpage here.  

This blog was written and prepared by Dr Celin Gelgec – Clinic Director and Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.