Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Internet: A Parent's Guide

In today’s digital age, the internet is an integral part of our lives, offering endless resources, entertainment, and social interaction. However, with these benefits come risks, especially for children who may not fully grasp the potential dangers lurking online. As parents, it’s essential to equip our kids with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the internet safely. Here are some strategies to help your children stay safe online.

1. Open Communication

The foundation of internet safety starts with open and honest communication. Encourage your kids to talk about their online experiences. Ask them what websites they visit, who they interact with, and what they enjoy about their online activities. This not only helps you stay informed but also builds trust, making it easier for them to come to you with any concerns. When chatting with your kids, try and use a non-judgemental and curious stance. It is very easy for kids to become defensive and closed when talking about their interests if they sense that their parent doesn’t approve.  


  • Regularly check in with your kids about their online interactions.

  • Create a safe space for them to share without fear of punishment.

2. Educate About Privacy Settings

Teach your children about the importance of privacy settings on social media and other online platforms. Show them how to adjust these settings to control who can see their profiles and posts. Emphasize that not everyone online is who they claim to be.


  • Walk them through the privacy settings of popular apps.

  • Encourage them to review these settings regularly.

3. Set Clear Rules and Boundaries

Establishing guidelines for internet use is crucial but is also a shared responsibility between parent and child. Set clear rules about what sites are appropriate, how much time they can spend online, and what types of content they can engage with. Make sure they understand the reasons behind these rules and as a parent, understand what role you have to play to support your child to follow the rules.


  • Create a family media agreement outlining acceptable internet use.

  • Be consistent with enforcing these rules.

  • Monitor your child’s use and discuss and problem solve situations where the rules aren’t being followed

  • Consider removing devices during tech free times such as at night time to support your child to be off their devices.

4. Encourage Critical Thinking

Help your kids develop critical thinking skills to discern safe from unsafe online content. Teach them to question what they see and read online, recognise scams, and avoid sharing personal information.


  • Discuss the importance of verifying information before sharing.

  • Encourage them to come to you with suspicious content they encounter.

  • Provide positive reinforcement for sharing concerns with you and problem solving dilemmas

5. Utilise Parental Controls

Many devices and applications offer parental control options that can help monitor and limit your child’s online activities. These tools can be helpful in creating a safer online environment.


  • Explore built-in parental controls on devices and apps.

  • Regularly review the settings and adjust them as necessary.

6. Foster Digital Citizenship

Encourage your children to be responsible digital citizens. This means being respectful to others online, understanding the impact of their words and actions, and knowing how to report inappropriate behaviour.


  • Discuss the importance of empathy in online interactions.

  • Role-play scenarios where they might need to stand up against cyberbullying.

7. Lead by Example

Children often emulate their parents' behaviours. Show your kids how to engage with technology responsibly. Demonstrate good digital habits, such as being respectful in online communications, practicing privacy and limiting screen time.


  • Share your own online experiences and lessons learned.

  • Model healthy tech usage by limiting your screen time and engaging in offline activities.

8. Stay Informed

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new apps, trends, and potential threats emerging regularly. Stay informed about what your children are engaging with and the latest safety measures.


  • Follow reputable sources and blogs about internet safety.

  • Attend workshops or webinars on digital parenting.

9. Create a Support Network

Encourage your children to have a support system when using the internet. This can include friends, family members, and trusted adults they can turn to when they feel uncomfortable or unsafe online.


  • Help them identify trustworthy individuals they can talk to.

  • Encourage group activities that promote online safety awareness.

Keeping your kids safe on the internet is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, education, and communication. By instilling good habits and fostering a supportive environment, you can help your children navigate the digital world with confidence and safety. Remember, the goal isn’t to eliminate internet use, but to empower your kids to make wise decisions online. With your guidance, they can enjoy the benefits of the internet while staying safe.

For further support our highly trained psychologists can help. Please call our team on 9882-8874 to book in with one of our team members today. Alternatively fill in our contact form here to get in touch. 

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This blog was written and prepared by Dr Tori Miller – Associate Director, Principal Practitioner and Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.