How to Manage ‘I can’t be bothered-itis’

It’s been a long 2 years. I don’t think we need another article explaining just how huge the impact of Covid-19 has been on all of us. It is quite obvious that it has changed the face of the world. And let’s face it, after 2 years, with no clear or defined end point in sight, we’re exhausted! It’s completely understandable that a lot of us have entered the ‘I can’t be bothered anymore’ mentality. 

With the vaccination target smashed and the promise of a new and better 2022, things are still not as we had hoped, we have not yet fully returned back to ‘normal’. A lot of us are entering the new year already unmotivated and burnt out, not having had the ‘break’ we wanted or deserve. 

So with all of this, what are some tips for improving motivation, readjusting back to work/routine, and managing ‘I can’t be bothered-itis’?

Go easy on yourself!

Number 1, don’t be so hard on yourself! You might think a bit of tough love will ignite the motivation flame, but often it can have the opposite effect, where you end up feeling worse and even less motivated. Practice being understanding with yourself and speak to yourself the way you would speak to someone you really care about, like a partner or a best friend. Notice the language that you use with yourself and try to limit statements that include ‘should/shouldn’t’ - “I ‘should’ be more productive”, “I ‘shouldn’t’ be finding it this hard”. These kinds of statements place unrealistic expectations on ourselves that often stem from our own unrelenting standards. Try replacing them with more positive and supportive statements like “I’m trying my best and that’s all I can do.”

Break it down

It is natural to enter a new year with a list of goals or resolutions. While goals are great, sometimes it can feel overwhelming going from 0 to 100. Try instead breaking things down into smaller, more achievable chunks. Whether your goals are work related or in the context of your personal life, make sure they are realistic in terms of their scope and the time frame you are allocating. Set yourself up for success and you will find your motivation increases.

Action before motivation

Often we wait for motivation to come knocking on our door before we get started on things. The problem with this is we could be waiting forever, particularly if we are experiencing low mood or depression. The trick? Get started first and see if motivation shows up second. 


If motivation hasn’t showed up yet, how can we push through ‘I can’t be bothered-itis’ and do the task anyway? It can be helpful to enlist our values here. Ask yourself, is the task related to a value that is important to me? Perhaps it brings a closer connection to someone, perhaps it fulfills the value of curiosity and education, perhaps it is a small step towards a greater goal that will provide a sense of fulfilment? Whatever it is, see if you can find some meaning in it, because this can help ignite some motivation when it feels lacking.  

If you feel you need further support with motivation we’re here to help. To arrange an appointment with one of our team members give our admin team a call on 9882-8874. This blog was written and prepared by Hannah Gersh - Psychologist here at MWG.