We launched a podcast!

Back in March we launched our very own podcast show. We have been busy recording episodes since November 2021 so that we can add value to our clinic and to you, our loyal clients and readers. Our show, “Breaking the Rules: A Clinician’s Guide to Treating OCD”, is not just for mental health professionals.  It is for everyone.

On the show, you’ll hear from a range of leading local and international professionals and learn everything there is to know about OCD, anxiety, depression, and other related mental health concerns.  While this show is geared at health professionals it will also be helpful for students studying health and mental health, as well as people who are experiencing OCD or know of someone who is experiencing OCD.

Launching this podcast has been exciting and nerve wracking. Exciting because we get to keep doing what we love doing, which is sharing our knowledge in an easily accessible manner, and nerve wracking because we want to ensure that people are benefitting from the work that we do. Tori and I have spent countless months brainstorming topics we think will be of value, as well as thinking about the kinds of guests we think will add value to our show. Through our skills episodes, which feature Tori and I talking about a different topic pertaining to OCD, as well as our interview episodes, where we showcase different professionals who work with OCD locally and internationally, we hope to keep spreading the word and increasing awareness. This is important to us as OCD is a condition that is still sadly misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and mistreated even to this day. The more we speak about it the more people will feel empowered, and the more support they can receive.

To subscribe and listen to our podcast “Breaking the Rules: A Clinician’s Guide to Treating OCD”, click on the following links: Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes will be released fortnightly and will simultaneously be published on our webpage here.  We hope you enjoy the show!

This blog was written and prepared by Dr Celin Gelgec – Clinic Director and Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.