What happens after R U Ok Day?

With R U OK Day and World Suicide Prevention day just gone, we need to keep in mind that we need to keep the message going. Checking in with each other is something that needs to happen consistently, not just on awareness days. So how do we check in with the people we care about and open up the communication channels with people who may be having a hard time?

This year the message of the campaign was: Are they really OK? Ask them today.

Checking in is perhaps more important now than ever before. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and extended lockdowns, many of us are feeling lonely, isolated, down, anxious, and stressed. While taking good care of ourselves is vitally important, we also need to feel equipped to support those around us who might be struggling. It is important to note that somebody doesn’t have to be visibly distressed or in a crisis to need support. Asking someone how they are really going can be, simply put, life changing

R U OK? breaks down the conversation into 4 simple steps for asking someone if they are OK: 

Give it a try today and don’t forget to keep this message going! You may be surprised how much somebody might appreciate just being asked the question sincerely and openly and then being listened to and heard, We don’t need to solve the problem we just need to hear each other out.

For more tips and resources, you can check out their website at ruok.org.au

If you need support with your mental health and would like to take action please contact our administration team on (03) 9882 8874 or visit our website at melbournewellbeinggroup.com.au. 

This blog was written and prepared by Ms Hannah Gersh - Psychologist here at MWG.

Image credit: www.ruok.org.au