Mental Health Month - Looking after your mental health

Mental Health Month - Looking after your mental health

Mental health is something that still carries a stigma and not many people speak about it outright. It is also something that may not be put on the forefront for a person. October is Mental Health Month, where awareness is raised around mental health and wellbeing. This month people are encouraged to share their journey and understand where someone is emotionally, how they got there and where they are going.

R U OK? DAY - September 12

R U OK? DAY - September 12

Mental health is something that still carries a stigma and not many people speak about it outright.  What we fail to sometimes do in your busy lives is simply ask someone if they are okay. Today, September 12th 2019 is R U OK DAY? where people are inspired and empowered to meaningfully connect with those around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life.

Women's Health Week - Women's Mental Health

Women's Health Week - Women's Mental Health

As women, it can be hard sometimes to take some time for ourselves to just think about our own health. Being it looking after children, a partner, a friend, a parent, or having a demanding job - it’s hard to think about ‘me time’. This week is Women’s Health Week (2 - 6 September), where it’s recognised that the two biggest barriers for women not maintaining a healthy lifestyle is ‘lack of time’ and ‘health not being a priority’, and how to help break these barriers.