Managing Relationships During COVID-19

The impact of the coronvirus pandemic thus far has been evident in many significant aspects of our lives such as economic, financial, medical, education and productivity. But there are other more subtle ways that the current crisis is impacting on our lives, such as the impact it is having on our relationships. In many ways it will be because we have to have distance from the family and friends we don’t live with and this is leaving us with feelings of isolation and loneliness, but it might also be because we’re now required to be at home around the clock with our partners, children, friends or housemates in very close quarters during a period of very high stress.

Managing Sleep During COVID-19

As we find ourselves staying home more because of COVID-19 it’s likely that we’ve started to notice that our daily routines are changing. When our routines and daily structures change it’s very normal to see a shift in the way we function such as the way we eat, rest and play. Sometimes this doesn’t matter, such as when you’re on holiday, but if you find yourself feeling out of balance, or also trying to manage higher levels of stress, tension and worry, you might find that you’re not functioning as well as you would like to be, or need to be. To explore this further, this week we return to Dr Jodie Thomas’ great advice on how to support yourself and your loved ones to get better sleep.