Managing Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming Delay

Managing Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming Delay

Procrastination is a common challenge that affects individuals across various walks of life. Procrastination can hinder productivity, contribute to stress, and negatively impact mental health. Understanding the underlying causes and implementing effective strategies can help individuals manage and overcome procrastination, leading to improved well-being and enhanced performance. What is procrastination and what can you do to help overcome procrastination?

Managing Vicarious Trauma from World News and Catastrophic Events

Managing Vicarious Trauma from World News and Catastrophic Events

Do you ever find yourself watching the news or listening to a friend tell you about something they heard that happened to someone and experience a sinking feeling in your body?  That feeling where you just think: “again?”. In the age where information and news is at our finger tips and where it’s everywhere we can easily feel overwhelmed by the images and stories that we are bombarded with. This phenomenon, known as vicarious trauma, can significantly impact mental health. Understanding and managing this form of secondary trauma is crucial in maintaining psychological well-being in an era of constant connectivity.

The Therapeutic Potential of Virtual Reality in Psychology

The Therapeutic Potential of Virtual Reality in Psychology

Lately at our clinic we have been asked a bit about the efficacy of Virtual Reality and its use in therapy. Virtual reality technology, once primarily associated with gaming and entertainment, has demonstrated substantial potential as a therapeutic tool in various psychological treatments. It’s certainly something we have been using for the last 5 years at our clinic for the treatment of anxiety disorders and OCD.  So what is it and how can it help?

How to Get Motivated for ERP

How to Get Motivated for ERP

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is the recommended treatment for OCD. If you or a loved one has ever had to go through ERP you will know that it is really challenging to stay motivated and engaged. Some days, OCD just kicks your butt, while other days you are killing it. So what do we do when the days are long, had, and challenging?

Navigating Boundaries: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Their Child in Therapy

Navigating Boundaries: A Parent's Guide to Supporting Their Child in Therapy

When a child begins therapy, it can stir up a range of emotions for parents – from concern and uncertainty to hope and relief. While it's natural to want to be actively involved in your child's therapeutic journey, it's essential to strike a balance between support and respecting boundaries. In this blog post, we'll explore how parents can navigate these boundaries effectively, ensuring that their child receives the support they need while also fostering trust and autonomy in the therapeutic process.

Nurturing Understanding: Responding to Your Child When They Talk to You About Their Sexual Orientation

As a Clinical psychologist, I've had the privilege of witnessing the profound impact that open and supportive communication can have on family relationships, particularly when it comes to topics like sexual orientation. When a child discloses that their sexual orientation to anyone, especially their parents, it's a pivotal moment that requires a response of empathy, understanding, and unconditional love. Here is some information on emotion-focused communication that I hope will be a helpful guide on how to navigate this conversation with compassion and sensitivity.