Embrace Your Body: Managing Expectations for Summer and Beyond

As summer approaches, many of us find ourselves feeling pressured to attain the elusive "bikini body" portrayed by media and society. It is essential to recognise that this idealised image is often unrealistic and can lead to unhealthy expectations and negative body image issues. The concept of a "bikini body" is a socially constructed ideal that should not be allowed to dictate our self-worth or happiness. Let’s explore some strategies to manage the expectation to achieve a “bikini bod”, while promoting self-acceptance and a healthy relationship with your body.

Challenge Unrealistic Standards:

The first step in managing expectations for a bikini body is to challenge the unrealistic beauty standards set by society and the media. Understand that these standards are often heavily edited and do not reflect the diversity and natural variations in human bodies. Remind yourself that beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Above all else, it is important to remember that your worth is not determined by your appearance, and you are so much more than just the way you look.

Reframe Your Goals:

Instead of focusing solely on achieving a specific body shape or size, shift your goals towards adopting a healthier lifestyle. Aim to make positive changes to your diet, exercise routine, and overall wellbeing. Embrace physical activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, rather than ones you feel compelled to do solely for appearance reasons. While it's essential to set goals, ensure they are realistic and achievable. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment and a sense of failure. Instead, break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Practice Self-Compassion:

Be kind to yourself throughout this process. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk, as it can be detrimental to your self-esteem. If you find yourself comparing your body to others or feeling inadequate, remind yourself that everyone is on their unique journey, and you deserve love and acceptance just as you are.

Avoid Crash Diets and Extreme Measures:

Engaging in crash diets or extreme exercise routines can be harmful to both your physical and mental health. Rapid weight loss can lead to a cycle of yo-yo dieting and negatively impact your body image. Instead, focus on making sustainable changes to your lifestyle that promote overall wellbeing.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

Surround yourself with supportive and body-positive individuals who encourage you to embrace your uniqueness. Unfollow social media accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards or make you feel inadequate. Cultivate an environment that fosters self-love and body acceptance.

By challenging unrealistic beauty standards and setting realistic, healthy goals, you can truly enjoy the summer season and beyond without being burdened by unrealistic expectations. If you find that managing body image expectations becomes overwhelming, consider seeking professional support. A psychologist can help you navigate your feelings and develop coping strategies to build a healthier relationship with your body.

If you would like to talk to someone, give our team a call to arrange an appointment on (03) 9882-8874.

This blog was written and prepared by Hannah Gersh – Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.