Setting boundaries when you are worried about becoming selfish

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of maintaining healthy relationships and safeguarding our mental wellbeing. However, many individuals who are concerned about being perceived as selfish struggle with establishing and maintaining boundaries. This blog will explore the importance of setting boundaries and provide practical strategies for finding a balance between self-care and concern for others. By cultivating a mindful approach to boundaries, we can foster healthier relationships while addressing our own needs and concerns.

  1. Understanding Boundaries:

    Begin by recognising that boundaries are not inherently selfish; they are a vital part of maintaining self-respect and promoting healthy interactions. Boundaries create clarity and define what is acceptable and respectful behavior from others. Acknowledge that setting boundaries is an act of self-care, enabling us to establish limits that protect our emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

  2. Recognising Personal Needs:

    Before setting boundaries, it's important to understand and identify your own needs. Reflect on your values, priorities, and emotional wellbeing. Consider what makes you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or taken advantage of in your relationships or interactions. Recognising your needs will help you establish boundaries that promote balance and foster healthier connections with others.

  3. Communicating with Compassion:

    When setting boundaries, effective communication is key. Express your needs and limits assertively, using "I" statements to convey your thoughts and feelings. Frame your boundaries in a compassionate manner, emphasising your desire for mutual respect and understanding. Remember, setting boundaries does not make you selfish; it allows for the development of healthier dynamics that benefit both parties involved.

  4. Prioritising Self-Care:

    Setting boundaries involves prioritising self-care without disregarding the needs of others. Recognise that taking care of yourself is not inherently selfish; it equips you to be more present and supportive to those around you. Find a balance between meeting your own needs and maintaining your commitments and responsibilities to others. By prioritising self-care, you are better equipped to engage in meaningful relationships and give without depleting yourself.

  5. Embracing Reciprocity:

    Boundaries are a two-way street. Just as you establish boundaries for yourself, respect the boundaries set by others. Embrace the concept of reciprocity, honoring the needs and limits of those around you. By practicing mutual respect and understanding, you contribute to the cultivation of healthy and sustainable relationships.

  6. Seeking Support:

    Setting boundaries can be challenging, especially if you are worried about being perceived as selfish. Seek support from trusted friends, family, or a mental health professional. Discuss your concerns and experiences, allowing others to provide insight, guidance, and encouragement. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network will empower you to establish and maintain boundaries with confidence.

By understanding that setting boundaries is not selfish, but rather an act of self-care, you can find a balance between meeting your needs and supporting others. Remember, healthy boundaries contribute to the overall wellbeing of both yourself and those around you.

If you would like to explore this further with one of our psychologists, please don’t hesitate to give our team a call on (03) 9882 8874 or email

This blog was written and prepared by Hannah Gersh – Clinical Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group.