How to Beat Insomnia

How to Beat Insomnia

Hate the feeling of being tired all day and then when it’s actually time to go to sleep suddenly you’re not tired anymore? This happens to most of us at times! It’s like all day your brain is telling you that you’re tired, but once you get to bed that’s when all the thoughts and ideas begin and sleep is the last thing you’re able to do. Whether you find it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake early feeling unrefreshed and have low energy, low mood and find it hard function - you probably have insomnia.

Infant Mental Health Week

Infant Mental Health Week

Mental health is important for adults, but what about children? Last week was infant Mental Health Week, where the goal is to help give infants, young children and their families the best possible start in the important, early years of life. It is just as important as our physical health growing up. In fact, developing good mental health for a child will help them in life as an adult. 

Men's Health Week 2019 (June 10 - 16)

Men's Health Week 2019 (June 10 - 16)

Men's Health Week is celebrated every year around the world in mid June. The goal is to take the opportunity to highlight men's health and what it means to be healthy. During this week it’s important to think about and discuss what needs to be done to improve the lives and health of men and boys. This happens through a series of promotions, events and publicity around the country.