How to Manage Procrastination

Oh procrastination. Why do we do it? Wouldn’t things feel so much easier if, when we have a task to complete, we just did it? Why does it feel so hard to get started? Why do so many of us struggle with this? The battle with the urge to procrastinate is such a universal experience and something that I can relate to oh, so well. I have been struggling with procrastination for as long as I can remember, and it remains something that I continue to have to work at. Can you relate?

How can we support someone?

Quite often our clients talk about how unsupported they feel by family, friends, partners, colleagues. When they’re saying this, it’s not because they want to be the centre of attention. It’s not because they want to create drama. It’s not because they’re deliberately trying to make things awkward or uncomfortable. They just want to be heard and understood. We all do. It’s a universal need to feel connected, heard, and understood. If we all crave it so much why do we get it wrong?

Setting Good Study Habits

It’s the beginning of a new academic year! Students all around Australia are beginning a new year of study, which means it’s a great time to be talking about how to establish good study habits. I often find that students want to talk about study habits at the end of the year, right when it’s crunch time and stress and anxiety are at an all-time high. But the best time to be thinking about study habits is now, at the beginning of the year, so that you can set yourself up for success. So today we’re talking all about study habits!

How to Manage ‘I can’t be bothered-itis’

It’s been a long 2 years. I don’t think we need another article explaining just how huge the impact of Covid-19 has been on all of us. It is quite obvious that it has changed the face of the world. And let’s face it, after 2 years, with no clear or defined end point in sight, we’re exhausted! It’s completely understandable that a lot of us have entered the ‘I can’t be bothered anymore’ mentality.