Managing Stress, Anxiety and Panic with Prevention and Intervention

When managing stress, anxiety and panic, I think the first thing most of us think about is intervention. That is, what we do or could do in the moment when we are dysregulated and overwhelmed by our emotional state. And this makes great sense because the experience we have in these moments is often very uncomfortable and can be quite distressing. Our goal most of the time is to reduce the experience of such distress and discomfort.

Mind Reading - Is It Really a Superpower?

I remember when I was younger being asked the question: “If you could have any superpower what would it be?” There were so many glorious options, it was so hard to decide! My mind wandered to the imaginative world of being able to fly, or being invisible, or having super strength. These were all very appealing options. However, there was something incredibly intriguing to me about the superpower of being able to read minds. To be able to know what other people are thinking? Wow. I really thought that would be the ultimate ability. I guess it’s no wonder I became a psychologist…

Sleep Hygiene

How many times have you woken up in the morning and wished you could have “just 5 more minutes” of sleep? If you’re anything like us, sleep is something you value, and at times wished you could have more of. Now imagine if you struggled to get to sleep or stay asleep once you were asleep?

We launched a podcast!

Back in March we launched our very own podcast show. We have been busy recording episodes since November 2021 so that we can add value to our clinic and to you, our loyal clients and readers. Our show, “Breaking the Rules: A Clinician’s Guide to Treating OCD”, is not just for mental health professionals. It is for everyone.

7 Great Reasons to see a Provisional Psychologist at Melbourne Wellbeing Group

We are really excited to let you know that provisional psychologists will be a part of the Melbourne Wellbeing Group team again really soon. Provisional psychologists have almost always been a part of the MWG team because we feel very passionate about supporting, teaching, and investing in the next generation of registered psychologists. There are a lot of great reasons to see a provisional psychologist, and here are some of our favourite reasons.