Reclaiming Your Energy: Strategies for Conquering Extreme Tiredness

We've all experienced those moments when fatigue takes over, leaving us drained and struggling to keep our eyes open. Extreme tiredness can have a significant impact on our physical and mental well-being, whether it stems from demanding work hours, personal responsibilities, or lifestyle choices. Today we will explore strategies to help you overcome your extreme tiredness. By understanding the effects of fatigue and implementing these recommendations, you can take proactive steps towards a more energized life.

Why do we get angry?

Anger has a bad wrap really. It’s considered a “bad” emotion. It can be a scary emotion if we come to think about it. It’s such an activating emotion that the level of adrenaline we feel when we get angry can feel scary and can make us feel out of control. The level of activation we feel when we’re angry can make us do all sorts of things to express that anger. We yell, scream, shout, and we can even get physical aggressive, but we can also shut down.  Yes it looks scary, but it’s a completely normal and healthy emotion to experience. There’s nothing shameful about anger if we know how to deal with it just the same as any other emotion. Why do we get angry?