MOvember - Tackling men's mental health issues this November

MOvember - Tackling men's mental health issues this November

Mental health issues do not discriminate, and they can impact people of all ages, sexes, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds. This is why looking after mental health is just as important for men as it is for anyone else. In Australia, one in eight men will experience depression and one in five will experience anxiety at some point in their life. Sadly, 75% of men die from suicide in Australia, which is said to be nearly double the national road toll! Every year, during ‘MOvemeber’ in November we acknowledge and raise awareness for men’s health issues in Australia and around the world by participating in Movember.

What is happiness and how can we be happier?

What is happiness and how can we be happier?

What is happiness, and how can I be happier? This is something that most people want to know and strive to achieve. For some people happiness can be spending time with their loved ones, to others it may be going for a hike, or reading a book, or spending time with a pet, or it can be all these things or none of these things - the thing is, happiness is a subjective experience. What will make you happy, may not make someone else happy, so when we talk about happiness, we are talking about a person’s enjoyment or satisfaction.

OCD Awareness Week - Understanding OCD

OCD Awareness Week - Understanding OCD

Have you ever thought a person is very rigid, clean or overly specific about things being placed correctly, and may have caught yourself automatically saying, “you’re so OCD!”? This is something that has become a common term in describing people who do things differently or in a more structured specific way to others. However, OCD is not an adjective, but a mental illness that is quite debilitating to live with. During international OCD Awareness Week (October 13-19, 2019) we try to raise awareness and understanding about OCD and related disorders, with the goal of breaking the stigma and helping more people get access to evidence-based treatment and resources.

World Mental Health Day - 10th October - How to provide a mental health check

World Mental Health Day - 10th October - How to provide a mental health check

Mental health is so important for everyone and looking after our mental health should be a priority. With one in five people affected by mental illness in Australia, there is a chance you have interacted with someone who is struggling, has struggled in the past, or is in treatment. Today is World Mental Health Day, where awareness is raised around the world about mental health and wellbeing. People are encouraged to do something to help shed a more positive light on mental health and break the stigma so those affected can seek help.